How design choice can INCREASE SALES ?  

Posted by Abhishek Singh in ,

Few of the design elements can make a significant difference to the performance of a web page:

* The position and color of the primary call to action
* Position on the page of testimonials, if used
* Whether linked elements are in text or as images
* The amount of “white space” on a page, giving the content space to “breathe”
* The position and prominence of the main heading
* The number of columns used on the page
* The number of visual elements competing for attention
* The age, sex and appearance of someone in a photo

Results of Test :--

A/B/C Split Test
Page A Page B Page C
Percent of traffic 34% 33% 33%
New sales 244 282 114
Change N/A 15.57% -53.28%

Version B, with the minor copy changes, resulted in a 15.57% increase in sales—that represents a big revenue jump for a site with high sales volumes.

Version C, in which we changed the regular, one-column format into a two-column format, resulted in 53.28% fewer sales.

Read Design Choices Can Cripple a Website

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